Waxing Beautiful Will Be Expanding

Over the next couple months, this blog will be expanded to include a separate page going beyond beauty reviews and makeup. The focus will be on women's issues, including health, workplace, personal care, family, and managing all factors against today's growing demands.

The goal is to create a blog that addresses various issues affecting today's women. I still want to maintain some central focus on beauty and makeup, as it's a personal passion. But the goal is to expand coverage to give women of all ages useful information to help them manage their daily lives. I love writing about makeup and beauty, but I do worry that women today can get easily too focused on this topic without addressing areas that have much more meaning to them. We are, after all, multidimensional and need to be to manage ourselves in today's world.

My professional background includes several years as a journalist, so this will be a welcome area to move into. I hope people will get something out of this, finding the page both fun and topical.


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